Welcome to Kingdom Kids blog

Be inspire and continue your walk in God's kingdom. Always be reminded of the goodness of God. Jesus Christ gave up his life on Calvary so that everyone would have the opportunity to become "kingdom kids".

Friday, October 19, 2012

...the new girl in me?

I read a wonderful article today and wanted to share it with you all. It's titled "For the New Girl in All of Us"  through (in)courage.me  It made me think of the new girl in me, those times when I was the new girl walking into a situation and didn't think I could do it. Even as a women I have felt that same uncomfortable feeling.  If you have ever felt this way or know someone who has please read the article and share it.  This group has wonderful writers that make me look deep within all the time.


K. Smith

Remember you are a KINGDOM KID!
Col. 1:12-14

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