Welcome to Kingdom Kids blog

Be inspire and continue your walk in God's kingdom. Always be reminded of the goodness of God. Jesus Christ gave up his life on Calvary so that everyone would have the opportunity to become "kingdom kids".

Monday, September 12, 2011

Want to be inspired...

I have been watching Bill Winston Ministry International Faith Conference http://www.billwinston.org/home/ this week live, and it has been awesome.  The anointing was present and the faith being taught  is explosive. Sunday night started with praise and worship led by Donald Lawrence and the presence of God was ushered in. I enjoy his gift of bringing the word of God to you in song.

Then Bishop Tudor Bismark stepped into the pulpit and allowed Holy Ghost to speak through him and it was a faith builder.  His message was on "The Golden Age". He reminded us when our faith is increased God is enlarged.  He taught on the different types of kingdoms, 4 classes of people and times and seasons.

Monday night Kenneth Copeland came and taught on "The Blessing", he took us to the word of God to see the words used when God  "bless" someone.  How we were given dominion and  told to Be Fruitful, Multiply & Replenish. He gave the example when Jesus blessed the fish and bread he commanded it to be fruitful, multiply and replenish (those that were there).

Tuesday night we will be able to listen to Jesse Duplantis and if you never heard him minister get ready to experience all emotions. He is anointed to teach with such a great sense of humor, but you walk away with such profound truths and revelations from God's word.

So if you want to be inspired check it out LIVE at http://www.billwinston.org/ God's presence is there and will be where you are as well.  Services start at 7 pm (central time zone)

Be Blessed and remember God is WITHU4U always,
Kresendo Smith

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