Welcome to Kingdom Kids blog

Be inspire and continue your walk in God's kingdom. Always be reminded of the goodness of God. Jesus Christ gave up his life on Calvary so that everyone would have the opportunity to become "kingdom kids".

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Just visualized with me for one moment...
A crowd of people standing together side by side are looking up.....What do they see? They are feeling the love of their Father.  His love is flowing down to them, all of them in the crowd know he is pleased. Why? Because 'we' have accepted his son Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.  He looks out to the world saying....these are My Kingdom Kids!

...translated N2 the kingdom of his dear Son, Jesus
                                                                       -Col. 1:9-14
 Yes I said , we in that last sentence because I am in that crowd of people.  Are you? Don't you want to be one of those in the crowd?  If you don't know Jesus Christ and haven't accepted Him as your Savior you can do that right now.  Jesus became a curse so that you & I could have everlasting life.  He loves you and wants to present you as well to the world as one of  "His Kingdom Kids".  All you have to do is confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord & believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead..and you too shall be saved.
                                                 -Romans 10:8,9,10

You have nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about.  Verse 11 in says, no one who adheres, relies or trusts in Him will ever be put to shame or be disappointed.

I don't know about you but I have had many disappointing moments in my life, and there have been times I felt ashamed that I am not where I think I should be in life.  But I have never been disappointed or ashamed that I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior.  Because of Him I have been able to continue to fight the good fight of faith, walk by faith and not by sight, and believe that he has a plan for me.

Today I was listening to Redeemed by  Big Daddy Weave and the Spirit of The Lord filled me with such joy I just began to thank Him for being who he is, for loving me and for sparing my life.  I was just kept driving around giving Him praise.  Whew!  It was just me and God and it was awesome just to be in a mindset of thankfulness.  I want everyone of you to experience the beauty of a loving faithful Savior.

So just do what the song says,
....shake off those heavy chains, wipe away every stain.
Because you are not who you use to be.  You are Redeemed!

Hallelujah!  Glory to God!  Thank you Jesus!

Remember to Keep the Faith and know that God is WITHU4U

K. Smith

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